Stars Without a Heaven:
Children in the Holocaust Traveling Exhibit
The SC Council on the Holocaust has reprinted this exhibit, with permission from Yad Vashem, to be loaned out to schools and civic organizations throughout the state. As stated by Yad Vashem, "The exhibition is dedicated to the unique stories of children during the Holocaust. Despite their appalling situations and living conditions, children still engaged in imaginative play, sketching and writing, expressing their hopes, dreams and fears. The exhibition opens a moving and exhilarating glimpse into the lives of Jewish children during the Holocaust, through the selection of drawings, poems, letters and toys presented."
The exhibit contains 27 panels that are each 24" x 36" and come with stands that make them ideal for display on tables or desktops. The exhibit can easily be condensed to 18 panels or fewer for use in smaller spaces or they can be used individually for educational purposes. Any school or teacher requesting the panels will also be provided with lesson plans to use with the exhibit.
The exhibit is available on loan for up to 4 weeks and a $50 non-refundable deposit is required to cover costs of transportation, delivery and pick up that will be provided by the SCCH. If you are interested in hosting this exhibit at your school or organization please contact us using the email below and indicate the specific dates you would be interested in hosting the exhibit.