Brian Day works as an Instructional Technology Specialist in the Education Department at South
Carolina Educational Television (SCETV). He trains educators across South Carolina on
instructional technology tools, promoting SCETV resources at conferences and public events,
and creating educational support and resources for various SCETV and PBS projects.
For eleven years, Brian taught elementary and middle school for the Calhoun County School
District. During this time, he has taught math, English/Language Arts, science, and social studies
in grades three through six. For the final four years of teaching, he taught strictly fifth and sixth
grade social studies. While being a classroom teacher, he was the Social Studies curriculum
liaison for Calhoun County School District and was hired to become his school’s Instructional
Technology Coach. Throughout his teaching career, he has both participated and presented at a
variety of teacher institutes, workshops, conferences, and professional developments on the
local, state, and national level. In 2017, Brian was selected as a team leader on the writing
committee for 2020 South Carolina Social Studies College- and Career-Ready Standards. In his
free time, he enjoys spending time with his wife and son, attending concerts, playing the guitar,
collecting and listening to music, and cheering for Gamecock athletics.